Do I make a joke about how it took way more stuffing than I thought it would, because it's bigger on the inside? Or the fact that it took way longer than it should have, and
something something time? Do I go with a quote? I don't know how I'm expected to make that kind of decision.
The thumbnails on my camera led me to believe this wasn't so blurry, and I've already given it away. Oh well!
Blurrier and before I managed to punch it into some sort of rectangular shape. Wibbly-wobbly etc.
This taken a ridiculous and kind of shameful length of time to finish. The extent to which I was relieved when I sewed up the last seam is kind of silly. Mostly Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted, and the white is Cygnet DK, which is probably why the light is a bit small.
But it's done, and now I can get back to
gloves! I've also been making speedy neckwarmers in lectures and while out and about, but I don't have the light in my room in college to take nice photos, or the confidence to stand around campus taking photos of myself.
Dublin Zoo's youngest elephant learning not to grab. But she got bored
and left to eat different food and probably did not benefit from the lesson. |
In unrelated news, on Thursday I got to go to the zoo, and go into the elephant house, nominally as part of my course. (I don't do the module to which the trip was connected, but the lecturer got tickets for everyone in the class anyway.) I think zoos are ethically problematic, and their nature puts them in a bind (have to have animals that'll draw people so they can fund breeding and conservation programmes for the animals in need of them, even if there's no conservational merit to holding them), but I do like the route that Dublin Zoo is taking with the new elephant enclosure, and now the new gorilla area.
Also also, my thesis is due in less than a month. Um.