Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas knitting.

My much lamented circle scarf for my brother's girlfriend, over from Boston this weekend:

She hasn't opened it yet and I'm not sure if it's rude to suggest that she does before she leaves.  Seeing people's reactions is the fun of presents!

I think seed stitch is the third bowl of porridge of basic stitches.  Not as plain as garter stitch, not as rolly as stockinette or ribbing.   Just right!

The yarn is leftover Tupa from a shrug I made when a colleague of my mum's was retiring.  It is fifty percent merino and fifty percent silk and just wow.

Owl hat for the sister of a friend of a friend!  (The friend-of-friend was the recipient of the unicorn hat.)  The hat is made with Freedom Purity, which is a mix of wool and alpaca, because it was the most owlish colour scheme in the shop.  The eyes and beak were hanging around from other projects, all acrylic, I think.

I wish the bags under my eyes were filled with TIME.

Seed stitch brim because I'm only mad for it these days.

Yet another brainmonster!  I took quite a lot of pictures, but is too big for my head - it's for a friend's brother-in-law - so they all look silly and make the hat look bad.  I'm not sure if I managed to make the eyes look wacky and googly, rather than just clumsily made, but said friend is happy with it!

This was waiting for me when I came home for the weekend.  Never too old.

1 comment:

Eoghan said...

I say make her open it while you're in the room. I make people open presents on the spot.